Welcome To The Trico Intranet!

Welcome to The Trico Intranet


Welcome to Trico Intranet – a platform that was created to help you be more productive, more knowledgeable about our company, and more connected to your co-workers.

This intranet was designed to provide you with the information you want and need to do your job -- without overwhelming you with communications that don't affect you. And while it won't replace email, you should soon find that your inbox is a bit less full. Most existing share drive content has moved over to Trico Intranet and is organized by departments.

Over time, Trico Intranet will house vast amounts of useful company data and it will all be accessible to you on your desktop tablet and smartphone. In no time you will be relying on Trico Intranet to share, learn and keep connected!


To get you onboard of what is happening at Trico, please check Trico Events' calendar below!